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PRP injections use the body's own plasma to speed up healing in joint and muscle injuries, offering a minimally invasive solution for lasting relief.



PRP joint injections harness the body's natural healing abilities by using concentrated platelets from your own blood to stimulate tissue repair and promote healing in the affected area.


The process involves drawing a small blood sample, spinning it in a centrifuge to extract platelet-rich plasma, and injecting it into the affected joint.


This minimally invasive, 30-minute procedure can reduce pain, improve joint function, and accelerate recovery from injuries or chronic conditions like arthritis.

PRP injections are tailored based on individual needs and medical history to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.


  • PRP injections can provide significant relief for patients with sporting injuries, post-traumatic pain, and soft tissue injuries.

  • PRP injections are effective in treating conditions such as tendonitis, ligament injuries, muscle strains, and arthritis.

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At Healand, patient satisfaction is paramount, which is why we offer a no-obligation initial free consultation


This process, conducted in person, or on video, with one of our expert team members is designed to ensure you get the right treatment for you, and that any questions you may have are answered in full before the process begins. 


Book a free consultation with us using the button below, or pop into the clinic for a chat during our opening hours.


Book your appointment today and experience effective pain relief!

Lady in treatment chair with IV drip

Ozone infusion therapy offers holistic healing and pain relief by reducing inflammation, enhancing oxygenation, and stimulating immune function.

Someone holding onto a painful knee

Steroid injections involve the precise administration of corticosteroids mixed with a local anaesthetic into the affected joint or surrounding tissue to alleviate inflammation and pain.

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Man holding onto a elbow which is highlighted in red for pain

PRP injections use the body's own plasma to speed up healing in joint and muscle injuries, offering a minimally invasive solution for lasting relief.

Lady struggling with headache

A migraine is a type of headache disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of moderate to severe headaches.

Ozone injections deliver ozone gas into painful joints, providing rapid relief and promoting healing, effectively treating chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, and joint degeneration.

Lady in treatment chair with IV drip

Ozone infusion therapy offers holistic healing and pain relief by reducing inflammation, enhancing oxygenation, and stimulating immune function.

Ozone injections deliver ozone gas into painful joints, providing rapid relief and promoting healing, effectively treating chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, and joint degeneration.

Someone holding onto a painful knee

Steroid injections involve the precise administration of corticosteroids mixed with a local anaesthetic into the affected joint or surrounding tissue to alleviate inflammation and pain.

Man holding onto a elbow which is highlighted in red for pain

PRP injections use the body's own plasma to speed up healing in joint and muscle injuries, offering a minimally invasive solution for lasting relief.


PRP therapy involves drawing a small blood sample, spinning it to extract platelet-rich plasma, and injecting this plasma into the affected area.

The concentrated platelets stimulate tissue repair and new blood vessel growth. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and may cause mild pain or bruising.

Full benefits are typically felt within days, but multiple sessions may be needed, with follow-up injections every few months for maintenance.




PRP therapy involves drawing a small blood sample, spinning it to extract platelet-rich plasma, and injecting this plasma into the affected area. The concentrated platelets stimulate tissue repair and new blood vessel growth, with full benefits typically felt within days.

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GHP Award badge for Most Innovative Private Healthcare Clinic
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